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Maker Science

Maker and Engineer Tamara Robertson works with skilled Makers to teach you the tricks of the trade and the science behind the process!


Nitric Acid Vs. Penny

Jake, Wizard IV dumps an unsuspecting old penny into some mean stuff: nitric acid.

Will the acid destroy the pennies? How will the penny affect the solution?


Sneaker Science

Skater and footwear designer Alphonzo Rawls learns how to make Nylon - the miracle material that made shoes like the Nike Cortez possible.


Green Fire

Have you ever wondered why most stuff tends to burn yellow?

Jake shows us what happens when you burn copper instead of carbon.


How To Smash A Watermelon

It's sledgehammer vs... balloon? In our last video from virtual DragonCon 2020, we demonstrate some external and internal force on a poor unsuspecting watermelon.


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